“The bear stands up” is an exercise in self-aggrandizement that relaxes and strengthens the abdominal muscles, the shoulders, the spine in static position, and limits kyphosis. It allows a right and comfortable standing and sitting position. The “bear’s stretching” prevents the shoulder sloppiness and back problems. It allows balanced moving, with agility, quickness, fluidity and power.
“Lion’s stretching” is a perfect exercise to prevent back, thoracic and neck pain. It strengthen and stretch the spine, from coccyx to the skull, via shoulders and neck. It re-learns abdominal breathing through the belly and perineum muscles. Many variations are then possible. A shoulder problem should be treated (by osteopathy) to perform this exercise. The prior release (by an osteopath) of the diaphragm, pelvis and spine facilitate its implementation.
1st release method for Neck pain: Inhibition and adhesiolysis of Trapezius + Omohyod muscles.
2nd: Inhibition and Adhesiolysis of Subclavius + Pectoralis Minor (coracoid process insertion) and Major (clavicular part).
3rd:”Dodge” technique.
4th: Active Cervical Axial Traction with a towel (from Mulligan).
5th: Active Cervical Rotation with a towel (Inspired by Mulligan)