

Freeing DEEP FASCIAE from ADHESIONS disorders.

Their Restored mobility decompresses :
Joints, muscles, nerves and vessels (lymphatic+++)

Immediate efficacy (< 72 h) of Peripheral Adhesiolysis (less so for Rachialgia disc).
Antalgia through Amplitude gain (+ Power + Proprioception).

Since 2006, thanks to dynamic ultrasound, we know that in most musculoskeletal disorders, offending muscles contraction is disturbed, with fasciae abnormal morphology and kinetics.
The aim is to recover better mobility of: fasciae, nerves, joints in echoscopy.
We described new radiographic and ultrasound signs of these dysfunctions (Adhesions, Snapping, Subluxations, Micro-crystals).
Improved imagery match to symptomatic benefits.
After correlations with clinical signs, we can diagnose these dysfunctions by a specific physical examination.
We proposed a Film + eBook on Dynamic Manual Adhesiolysis® in gonalgia (Femoro-Patellar Syndrome, Tendinopathies, menisci disorders).
Then, by physiopathological analogy, we explored other joints :




NB: If Bursitis, Synovitis (= glue “factories”) or capsulitis (= thick fibrosis), Manual Adhesiolysis is longer!

osteopathy knee
NB: For common back pain, since 2017, we have been testing Dynamic Manual Adhesiolysis®. Limited by our ultrasound resolution system, we only could explore the Thoraco-Lumbar Fascia Dysfunctions during Multifidus muscles (between spinal processes and vertebral blades) and Longissimus (covers Multifidus) contractions.
Immediately after Deep Manual Adhesiolysis, muscle kinetics harmonize and inter-fascial sliding is more fluid (we exclude compressive hernias).
Improvement in the morphology of posterior Thoraco-Lumbar fascia occurs only after a few weeks: the thickened, fibrotic fascia returns to a superimposed sheet-like appearance, like a “mille feuille”. Thus, layers of dense connective tissue are refined, and intervenes one or two layers of loose connective tissue, rich in Hyaluronic Acid (lubricating protein, unless acidic environment!).
The effectiveness rate of Adhesiolysis remains lower than that of peripheral disorders … especially when muscle contractures predominate on fascial dysfunctions!
We offer motivated patients some Auto-osteopathic techniques (self-adhesiolysis, adapted self-mobilizations) to preserve long-term results.
The pelvis Auto-osteopathy maintains the optimal mobility of Sacro-iliacs and potentiates the spine and lower limbs treatments.
PS: I think that high frequency of pelvis “twists” doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the normal humans state (it only binds me!).
Auto-osteopathy of the spine and limbs maintains or optimizes sliding between septa, limiting relapses.
dynamic manual adhesiolysis MIND MAP
The 4 types of actions of the Deep Manual Adhesiolysis.
1. By “taking off” inter-fascial adhesions:
– the tendino-muscular fasciae slide better, relax and the joints refocus (= their surfaces rub less);
– the nerves mobility between the fasciae is restored, the electrical conduction is improved and fascial nociceptors can rest;
– the decompressed vessels:
. Arterioles = increased oxygenation, neurotransmitters influx (endorphins), ATP, macrophages, undifferentiated cells, heat
. Veins and Lymphatics = drainage of free radicals, degradation waste, etc.
2. By releasing intra-articular trapping of synovial folds: the improvement is instantaneous.
3. By shifting some crystallizations that irritate the tendons, ligaments or capsules, their lesions can heal.
4. By normalizing the frequent (painless) fibular head subluxations, the ankle and pelvis work better.

This Movie (47 min) allows to learn quickly and easily an effective manual treatment method for a non-surgical painful knee… that you will not find anywhere else.
The steps allowing you to advance effectively:
1. The Diagnosis (clinical, visual, palpatory … without imaging): adhesions – capsular trappings – meniscus subluxations – fibular head subluxations (essential and original);
2. The manual treatment by Dynamic Adhesiolysis® and capsular release;
3. The self-manipulations needed for the patient; etc. = for an immediate application.

The associated eBook (68 pages) describes: adhesions – capsular snapping – fibular head and lateral meniscus subluxations / biomechanics, pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis, imaging, manual treatment, self-Adhesiolysis for the patient, rehabilitation = for understanding.

Preview eBook


NB: When I write “forthcoming films”, understand: “When I’ll have time”. And yes ! After 55 years, the investment to produce professional quality movies and eBooks is a bit difficult for me at the moment …

More videos on my Youtube channel