
musculoskeletal manual treatment self osteopathy

musculoskeletal manual treatment and self osteopathy

The 4 types of actions of the Deep Manual Adhesiolysis.
1. By “taking off” inter-fascial adhesions:
– the tendino-muscular fasciae slide better, relax and the joints refocus (= their surfaces rub less);
– the nerves mobility between the fasciae is restored, the electrical conduction is improved and fascial nociceptors can rest;
– the decompressed vessels:
. Arterioles = increased oxygenation, neurotransmitters influx (endorphins), ATP, macrophages, undifferentiated cells, heat
. Veins and Lymphatics = drainage of free radicals, degradation waste, etc.
2. By releasing intra-articular trapping of synovial folds: the improvement is instantaneous.
3. By shifting some crystallizations that irritate the tendons, ligaments or capsules, their lesions can heal.
4. By normalizing the frequent (painless) fibular head subluxations, the ankle and pelvis work better.