Registered in the College of Physicians (Council of the Department of Hérault): Nr. 12969, RPPS Nr. 10004986203
Registered in the departmental list 34 of osteopaths under Nr. 340002765
- Medical Thesis: “Effect of a diet rich in raw vegetables, excluding dairy products and gluten, on rheumatoid arthritis” with Dr. Jean Seignalet, 1995
- Expertise in sport medicine and biology (1997)
- University Diploma in emergency traumatology (2005)
- Interuniversity Diploma in manual medicine and osteopathy (1999)
- University Diploma in musculoskeletal anatomy and biomechanics (2006)
- University Diploma in sectional surgical anatomy (2009)
- University Diploma in Podiatry (2008)
- Expertise in catastrophic medicine (1995)
- Expertise in emergency medicine (2001) – emergency physician under C.H. de Joigny, Sarajevo, Kabul
- University Diploma in nutrition (2001)
- Musculoskeletal ultrasound (Ultrasound course at the Centre Francophone de Formation en Echographie – 2010)
- Posturology (C.I.E.S. Dr. Bernard Bricot), auriculotherapy
- Master-practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (John Grinder – 2000) – Training in hypnosis (Steven Gilligan) – EMDR – Micro-expressions
- Techniques of optimization of professional potential, sophrology (Inter-Army Sport School – 1998)
- Foreign language: military English level 2 (1999)
- Knight of the National Order of Merit (as Chief Medical Officer of the Armed Health Service – decree dated 04/11/2011, received 05/11/2011)
- Bronze medal for all scientific and technical work conduced at the Armed Health Service (Official bulletin 24/08/2002)
- Subluxation de la tête de la fibula. Cause fréquente de gonalgie non chirurgicale chez le sportif (Ho-Pun-Cheung T., Buscayret F., Jourdan J.-P., Lhernould F., Glappier C., Langeois Y., Wolff D.) – Urgence pratique / 2008; 86:53-55
- Intérêt des manipulations de la fibula dans les gonalgies non graves (Ho-Pun-Cheung T., Buscayret F., Jourdan J.-P., Lhernould F., Wolff D.) – Revue de Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie /2008; 24:4-13) – 1st prize awarded in this study by the French Society of Orthopedic and Osteopathic Manual Medicine (SOFMMOO) in 2008
- Intérêt des manipulations tendineuses dans les épicondylites latérales (Ho-Pun-Cheung T., Lhernould F., Bernard J.-N., Wagner P., Jourdan J.-P.) – Revue de Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie /2010; 30:2-8
- Traitement manuel écho-assisté des cinésiopathies inter-fasciales et capsulaires (Ho-Pun-Cheung T., Lhernould F., Bernard J.-N., Wagner P., Jourdan J.-P.) – Revue de Médecine Manuelle Ostéopathie /2010; 33:2-8 – 1st prize awarded in this study by the French Society of Orthopedic and Osteopathic Manual Medicine (SOFMMOO) in 2010
Osteopathy of the Knee: Dynamic Manual Adhesiolysis – 2015
(Thierry HO-PUN-CHEUNG, Jean-Pierre JOURDAN):
– eBook (68 pages) [adhesions – tibiofibular dysfunctions – meniscus malposition – capsular trapping / anatomy, biomechanics, pathophysiology, clinical diagnosis (including subluxation of the head of the fibula: neglected in daily practice), imaging, manual treatment, self– osteopathic treatment, rehabilitation]
– Movie (47 min) [diagnosis without imaging: adhesions – capsular snapping – meniscus subluxation – fibula subluxation (essential and original), Manual Adhesiolysis, self–osteopathic treatment…]
More videos on my Youtube channel